


Monday, April 18, 2011

Google Video Swept Out In Spring Cleaning

Looks like Google is doing a little spring cleaning and the latest on flop service to be swept under the rug is Google Video. The Mountain View-based search behemoth announced via e-mail on Friday that it will be switching off its much forgotten video sevice on 29 April. Users have until 13 May to download their videos before they are removed permanently.

The e-mail quickly cuts to the chase and suggests that people use Google's slightly more popular video service: YouTube.
A Google representative said in the e-mail, "We encourage you to move to your content to YouTube if you have not done so already. YouTube offers many video hosting options including the ability to share your videos privately or in an unlisted manner".
Google Video lived a tough existence. It debuted in early 2005 as a videi search engine, but quickly found itself overshadowed by an independent YouTube in 2006. To make things worse, Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion in a stock transaction a few months later.
Can not say we did not see this one coming, Google appeared to be calling it quits with the service in 2009 when it stopped allowing users to upload videos. 
